As the New Year dawns....
may it open up for you more opportunities,
lead you onto the path of continued success, happiness, and prosperity.
Happy New Year 2009
ITARY, Wednesday, December 31, 2008Sample of Perfume
ITARY, Tuesday, December 30, 2008Free sample of Christina Aquilera perfume Inspire. Only ship to UK, US, Austria, Germany, Netherland, Slovenia, Switzerland
Recipes Site
ITARY,Really nice digital recipe site from Betty Crocker. There are more than 70 recipes and tips like pancake, pies, pizzas, etc.
Free Global Pension magazine!!!
ITARY, Monday, December 29, 2008Readers of Global Pensions invest globally and need to know what their peers around the world are doing. The only publication which does this is Global Pensions. By combining a focus on regional pensions news with in depth analyses of innovative and modern investment products, Global Pensions allows the decision makers from these schemes to be influenced and informed about current trends affecting their counterparts all over the world.
Free Global Pension magazine!!!
Free Notebook
ITARY, Tuesday, December 23, 2008Wow so many free stuff celebrating New Year.This one is FREE 50 pages notebook.
ITARY, Monday, December 22, 2008Celebrating Holiday 2008, Big Fish Games is offering 50% off on all games. Use the code HOLIDAY2008. Choose any game you want, click the buy now button, sign in or create new account if you don't have yet, select the price USD 19.99, and then type the coupon code. This promotion is valid until 1/1/2009. Download Games
Another giveaway for games lover, use the code HOLIDAYRAVEN, and you can get the game Mystery Case File: Ravenhearst for FREE!!
Free Pocket Planner
Free 2009 Pocket Planner from NIH Publication. The 12-month planner contains tips and resources on bone health, osteoporosis, and related topics.
three months free Windows Secrets subscription
ITARY,You're invited to receive a free subscription to paid newsletter for a full three months. To redeem your gift, just enter your e-mail address into the form. There is no obligation and you can unsubscribe at any time. Enjoy!
How your free gift works:
1. Enter your e-mail by Dec. 31, 2008, and you'll receive the paid version of the Windows Secrets Newsletter completely free for a full three months.
2. This offer is only for new subscribers who've never signed up before.
3. After your complimentary three months, you can continue at no charge with the free version of the newsletter.
A holiday gift for Windows Secrets subscriber
Calendar of 2009
ITARY, Wednesday, December 10, 2008Again, another calendar freebies. Hope you're enjoying it. Click here
Free Calendar or DVD
ITARY,Free gift from Walden Media. Register to their website, and you can request a calendar or Amazing Grace DVD. For limited time only.
Rock music download
ITARY, Monday, December 8, 2008Do you enjoy rock music?? yeaaaa..this site offering free album to download if you subscribe. Choose one from two albums free to download. The free album Annault Assault featuring Slipknot, Trivium, Cradle Of Filth and more. The other one is the album called Between Rock and Hard Place, featuring Black Stone Cherry, Airbourne, Theory Of A Deadman, and more.
Click here to
Sample of Escada Fragrance
ITARY,Free sample of Escada fragrances, Incredible Me. Only ship to some countries.
FREE Accounting Software
ITARY, Saturday, December 6, 2008Office Accounting Express 2009, download this software FREE from Microsoft.
2009 calendar
ITARY,It's almost new year now, and it's time and looking for some new year celebration freebies. This one from Xerox. A 2009 calendar to download and print . If you're based in USA you can order the custom print sample and get it by mail. And for the rest of us, the international user can download and print it at home. They have some templates you can use for in house printing.
Dog Food
ITARY, Tuesday, December 2, 2008FREE Sample of Whites Premium Dog Food. Open to multiple countries.
25 free kid games
ITARY, Saturday, November 29, 2008
Free holiday gift to you, 25 free kid games from Kidthing. This is an interactive game packed with 25 surprises, one to open each day for 25 days, STARTING ON DECEMBER 1st! You need to install the software first, after that run the software and go to the store. Buy the "FREE Countdown to Christmas" interactive game, don't worry it's free. All you need to do is to download it. This is really fun for kids to play. You don't have to worry because there's no adult content and the software is really cool. Nice one!
Free ruler
ITARY,Free ruler from Mail Finiti, a free private e-mail address provider. You'll get a free ruler when you sign up to their service. The free ruler is not free for all countries though, only for some EU countries, UK, US, and AUS.
Free colour picker
ITARY, Saturday, November 22, 2008Pixie, an easy to use little software that every webmaster need. You can easily find out the hex, RGB, HTML, CMYK, and HSV values of any colour you want to know. Run the program, point your mouse to the colour and it shows you the values. Pixie is slim enough, with only 8Kb. Cool software does not have to be huge. Pixie was written by Ilya O. Levin. Click here
Free recipes
Choose your lifestyle and they’ll send you a complete 5-a-day life plan with recipes and hints and tips for a better lifestyle.
Click here
the Digital Edition of Business Week
ITARY, Wednesday, November 12, 2008Success-driven leaders of today and tomorrow turn to BusinessWeek for the need-to-know information and inspiration they can't get anywhere else.
Success-minded readers trust BusinessWeek for a deeper understanding of the trends that drive growth, how technology creates opportunities, and what best practices keep them ahead of the competition.
Try 4 Issues - Risk Free!
Guide on Menstruation
ITARY, Thursday, November 6, 200824-page guide on topic about menstruation cycle.
This guide titled "Your Menstrual Cycle: How it Works, How to Manage it', from the author National Women's Health Resource Center will guide you in everything you wanted to know about your menstrual cycle. Learn how to manage unmanageable menstrual symptoms such as heavy menstruation or irregular periods. You can get free by mail only to USA or Canada address,and for the rest of the world can view the guide online or download it.
Get coupons code for shoe buying
ITARY, Saturday, November 1, 2008After some thinking, i decide to add another category to this blog. This category is for coupons or rebates. On my journey on finding freebies (it's a journey cause it takes me hours... but i enjoy it anyway) sometimes i stumble on great stuff that not free but you can get discount if you use coupons, so in someway you can call it freebies too right???!! I'll listed here on this blog for coupons or rebates so you can enjoy it too. If you fell like buying the product you can just type-in the coupons code on the product site buying form and save some money. Since this blog is focus on international freebies, the coupons listed here will valid also for international shopper.
Ok, now for the first coupon, how about coupon for shoe?? $5 off any order of $50 or more @! Simply enter 'BUY5' at checkout to redeem.Shoebuy is the world largest site for shoe. There are many different shoes you can choose, from women shoes to shoe for infant, from heels to boots, and shoebuy is famous for their excellent service as top online retailer.
Free Cellphone Holder
ITARY, Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Free cellphone holder sent by mail. Fill in the form and answer the question why you deserve the free gift. The best/creative answer win the gift. There are 10,000 cellphone holder available.
Free Halloween labels
Halloween labels are free for you to download and print to your own choice of labels or paper.
Free Consulting Magazine
ITARY, Sunday, October 26, 2008No other publication reveals the impact of consultants as career professionals and advisors to leaders both in industry and government like Consulting Magazine does. Reaching senior-level consultants (Partners, Practice Leaders, Directors, etc.) within small, medium and global enterprise consulting firms, Consulting Magazine is the industry source for the key decision makers and influencers in the profession to read about what's going on in their world. Click here to get this magazine.
Free Ubuntu CD latest version
ITARY,Preorder Ubuntu CD free of charge.
This is the latest version of Ubuntu (8.10 (Intrepid Ibex)).
Free Sticky Notes
ITARY,Free sticky notes from Uberloo. Uberloo sticky notes is a self sticking notes that allow you leave your sentiments anonymously and quickly. Just check off the box that best describes what you think about the restroom and stick it to the mirror, wall or door.
Free flash drive and mouse
ITARY, Friday, October 17, 2008Free complimentary flash drive and free mouse from IBM.
Play and Win
ITARY,Open to residents in US, Canada, UK, Germany, Switzerland, Austria, Denmark, Netherlands, Belgium and Luxembourg. Nikwax Web Quiz, play and win a Tech Wash Pouch to clean and revitalise the water repellency of your favourite out door jacket and also to increase awareness of environmental issues, get a share of the purchase and protection of 30 acres of threatened tropical forest for randomly selected entrants who play the web quiz. Click here.
MP3 from the Mars Patrol
ITARY,Free download MP3 "Take a look at the world campaign" from the Mars Patrol.
Free stuff from Shell
ITARY, Saturday, October 11, 2008Free sticker from shell. I post this again since this freebies is very nice and really come to your house by mail. The other link is for free download stuff such as wallpaper, etc also from Shell.
Free automotive magazine
ITARY, Tuesday, October 7, 2008Serving the global automotive design and development community - specifically those involved in the product design, engineering and testing of all major automotive vehicles systems.
Published monthly, Automotive Engineering International (AEI) covers new technology, emerging products, and supplier capabilities along with information needed to make supplier and product choices in a technology-driven marketplace.
Click here
Music Giveaway
ITARY, Monday, October 6, 2008The Autumn Film share with you free download mp3. Click here.
Free Book by Mail
ITARY, Friday, October 3, 20083 free books from Stratus Technologies: Fault Tolerance for Dummies, Availability for Dummies, and Virtualization for Dummies.
Freebies for Indian
ITARY,Freebies for Indian. It has country list on the form, but if you're Indian this one is for you.
Free Photo Frame
ITARY, This site offering free photo frame by mail. The form provide country column to be filled, looks like it's international freebies. I did register and at the end it said: "Thanks you for requesting a free photo frame. We will ship your free gift shortly!". Hope this will come.
Free Consulting Magazine
ITARY, Sunday, September 28, 2008Consulting magazine is the industry source for the key decision makers and influencers in the profession to read about what's going on in their world.
No other publication reveals the impact of consultants as career professionals and advisors to leaders both in industry and government like Consulting Magazine does. Reaching senior-level consultants (Partners, Practice Leaders, Directors, etc.) within small, medium and global enterprise consulting firms, Consulting Magazine is the industry source for the key decision makers and influencers in the profession to read about what's going on in their world.
Click here.
Free audio stories for kids!
ITARY, Thursday, September 25, 2008Free audio stories for kids from Storynory. Storynory is an online treasure trove of audio stories. You will find a mixture of new stories, fairy tales, and specially adapted myths and histories read by Natasha Gostwick with her clear story-telling voice. Click here.
Free sample
ITARY,To get your free sample pack of the King of Nuts simply complete your name and full postal address (including country). Don't know if this will come or not, since this is a food freebies but i think just post it. Click here.
Free coffee cup from Digilake. This one only for US,UK,CA, and AUS.
PETA’s “Vivisection Action Pack”
ITARY, Saturday, September 20, 2008There's so much that each one of us can do to make a difference for animals in laboratories, and PETA’s “Vivisection Action Pack” is chock-full of great ideas that will help you help animals in laboratories. Even if you just have five minutes to spare, there's something you can do to stop the suffering. Click here.
Free suplement sample
ITARY,Free dietary supplement for memory. Note: only for US, UK, CA, Netherlands, Luxembourg, and Belgium.
Upload Your Media
ITARY,For a limited time Daily Waste is giving away free calculators to everyone who submits a funny picture, video, joke or other media item. If you do not wish to receive a free calculator do not provide your address.
Metallica site
ITARY, Thursday, September 11, 2008Fans of Metallica?? Check out this site, and download music tones, wallpapers, photos, Instant Mobile Alerts and voice tones from the band! offers downloads of high quality soundboard recordings of complete concerts throughout the Madly In Anger World Tour and free monthly downloads from earlier shows.
Reading Hour Program
ITARY,The Allyn & Bacon / Longman Publishers Reading Hour program invite you to take opportunity to relax, read and spend some time looking over an exciting new textbook, without distraction. Reading Hour program is designed to acquaint you with exciting first editions for courses that you actively teach. Read a sample chapter of your choice and fill out and submit a brief questionnaire. In return they will send you a free book.
Halloween Theme Free Download
ITARY, Wednesday, September 10, 2008It's Halloween!! You can download free MySpace Halloween templates, screensavers, desktop wallpaper and free Halloween clip art from HERSHEY'S. Spread the spookiness.
Free correction pen
ITARY, Sunday, September 7, 2008Free Ringtonica correction pen. Note: for some countries
FREE Trail Grind t-shirt
This one for mountain bikers, become an active Beta Tester Trail Grind and get FREE Trail Grind t-shirt. Trail Grind, a mountain biking destination covering the latest hotspots, how-tos, and gear releases. Trail Grind will give mountain bikers around the world a place to socialize and call home.
Essentially, to receive a t-shirt beta members must use the various site features as indicated in the instructions and offer feedback during the beta period. No purchase or other financial obligation will be required.
Click here.
ITARY, Saturday, August 30, 2008Download Hundreds of Complimentary Industry Resources
Get hundreds of popular Industry magazines, white papers, webinars, podcasts, and more; all available at no cost to you. With more than 600 complimentary offers, you'll find plenty of titles to suit your professional interests and needs. Click Here and Sign up today!
Free gardening newsletter
Sign-up for IN SEASON our FREE Gardening Newsletter. Delivered twice a month to your inbox. You'll get: tips and techniques, fun projects, recipes, and expert gardening advice. A gift when you join. This month new members will receive Companion Planting Made Easy (a booklet that names allies and enemies for the most popular vegetables and flowers).
talkSPORT has a sticker
ITARY,talkSPORT has a sticker that is sure to tickle your fancy - and it won't cost you a penny. You can also sign up for talkSPORT's new digital magazine by ticking the opt-in box at the foot of the page. Click on the 'ENTER COMPETITION' tab to go to the page.
Join Permission Research and get free stuff
ITARY, Friday, August 22, 2008Permission Research is an online market research community consisting of over 2 million members worldwide. Permission Research uses the knowledge of its members’ internet habits to determine the popularity and importance of various web sites. In exchange, member of Permission Research can get free stuff such as:
# Sweepstakes – get a chance to win $100,000.
# Screensavers
# Games – download a choice of exciting interactive games.
# MyVirtualDisk – 5GB of free online storage space.
Cap from Dailywaste
ITARY, Thursday, August 21, 2008 For a limited time only, upload something funny like funny stories, funny picture, etc, and get free cap from dailywaste.
Click here
Free booklet
ITARY,Healthy Eating for Life: Food Choices for Cancer Prevention and Survival booklet. Click here
Free Cook Book
ITARY,Order free recipe book from a cool australian site. For US and Canada.
Click here
Carbon Challenge
ITARY, Saturday, August 16, 2008Combat climate change!! Take the carbon challenge, get a free wristband, and get the chance to win door prize.
Click here
Download a Free 30-Day Trial of Orion NPM!
ITARY,Orion Network Performance Monitor (NPM) is a comprehensive, web-enabled fault and performance management platform that gives you broad visibility across your network. Orion NPM enables you to quickly detect, diagnose, and resolve network performance problems and outages with out-of-the-box network-centric views that are designed to deliver the critical information network engineers need.
Click here
Yellowstone trip planner
ITARY,Get Yellowstone National Park trip planner. Free Yellowstone maps, info, coupons and more. For US, UK, Canada, Germany, France, and Italy.
Click here
The Enterprise Newsweekly Free Subsription
ITARY, Monday, August 11, 2008eWeek is the essential technology information source for builders of e-business. Through a combination of news, analysis and evaluation, it guides readers in making the best technology decisions for their enterprise. Focusing on e-commerce, communications and Internet-based architecture, eWeek enables readers to successfully evaluate, deploy and leverage new technology solutions for competitive advantage.
Geographic Eligibility: USA, Canada (Digital & Print), International (Digital only)
eWeek Free Subscription!
25 FREE Downlooad from eMusic
ITARY, Saturday, August 9, 2008eMusic is the Internet's #1 MP3 subscription service with the most subscribers.
* Transfer your music to any desktop
* Works with all portable music players and digital devices (including the iPod)
* Unlimited CD burning
* Download your music to multiple computers
Get 25 FREE MP3s!
Choose from over 3.5 million songs!
Works on any MP3 player, including the iPod®!
Click Here
Vacation guide
ITARY,Switzerland vacation guide, you can request for free on this site.
FREE information about Autism
ITARY,To receive FREE information about the Autism Treatment Center of America™ click here.
All about Fragrances
ITARY, Tuesday, August 5, 2008Today freebies is all about fragrances free sample, enjoyyy.......
Dunhill fragrances.
Note: some countries
Dunhill fragrances.
Note: Germany, Swiss, UK, and Ireland
Christina Aguilera fragrances
Note: Germany, Slovenia, and UK
Puma fragrances
Note: some EU countries
FREE t shirt and cap
ITARY, Monday, August 4, 2008Starting August 1st, 2008 through September 28th, 2008, Reward University offering you a t--shirt and cap for FREE. Orders will ship out every two weeks with a maximum of 50,000 shipments per two-week period.
Free Smile Cards
ITARY,Starting in September of 2003, smile cards began appearing all around the world. They are markers of a newfangled game of tag, where "you're it" because someone has done something nice for you. Then it's your turn to do something nice for someone else and, in the process, pass the card along. This is a game of pay-it-forward: anonymously make someone smile, leave behind a card asking them to keep the ripple going. It's easy and fun. Is kindness truly contagious? There's only one way to find out ...
Join in the fun! Get your smile cards, read up on some kindness ideas, and get started!
Smile Cards!
This one already come, very fast...
Free Perfume
ITARY,Free XX BY MEXX perfumes sample
Note: only for some countries in EU.
Play and Give
ITARY, Friday, August 1, 2008Free Rice is on a mission to provide English vocabulary to everyone for free and to help end world hunger by providing rice to hungry people for free.
Visit their website daily to play their vocabulary game. Each question answered right means free rice donated from you. Play as long as you like and come back to help anytime you wish.
20 grains of rice for each word you get right. Donation goes through UN World Food Program. Click here.
Free Sample Issue of Beautiful Britain
ITARY,Packed with in-depth interviews, fascinating articles on the landscape, culture and history of Britain, as well as great photography, Beautiful Britain is the magazine for everyone who loves Britain. And now you can experience Beautiful Britain for FREE!
This invitation applies to both UK and non-UK addresses and includes free p&p.
Please note: you will be sent a past issue not the current issue.
Click here to order your free sample issue.
RevResponse, earn easy money!
ITARY, Wednesday, July 30, 2008Have you heard about RevResponse??? This is something different. You know i only post about freebies here in my blog of freebies. Instead of posting free stuff, this is my first post about free program that you can join if you have site or blog, or even just by email. This program is absolutely free and can make you some money too. Now, i'm going to revealed a bit about this program. If you own site or blog you can offer your visitor something valuable like free magazine subsription, free content, ebook, case studies, and other business resources, and it's free of charge. Free of charge, yeaa that's something your visitor really like.
On every qualified subscription or download request—including requests from your international audience (that's why i really like it) RevResponse offers a minimum $1.5 commission. If you have collect minimum $50, you can ask payment via check or paypal. That's it, so simple.
To support your campaign they provide you with tools like banners, co-branded site (see mine here), ad units, widget. They have easy-to-use online wizard that you can use. Simply put the code to your site or blog and your offer is done. Once you join, you can create your widget or offer from your account. Every time you're curious about how many subscription you have and the dollar you get, you can easily check them out by online reporting from your account. And the last i wanna tell but not least, RevResponse will pay 20% of the earnings that your referral partners get for the first 6 months of their partnership. This sounds really cool, I know you're interested, so why not check out the site, read carefully and sign up by clicking here.
The World is Flat Audiobook Giveaway
ITARY,With the No. 1 bestseller The World Is Flat, Thomas L. Friedman, a world-renowned author and journalist helped millions of readers see and understand globalization in a new way. In 2005, The World Is Flat was given the first Financial Times and Goldman Sachs Business Book of the Year Award, and Friedman was named one of America's Best Leaders by U.S. News & World Report.
Until August 4th, you can download the audiobook version of The World Is Flat and receive an exclusive audio preview excerpt of Hot, Flat, and Crowded. Get it by clicking here.
Oracle Magazine
Oracle Magazine contains technology strategy articles, sample code, tips, Oracle and partner news, how to articles for developers and DBAs, and more. Oracle (NASDAQ: ORCL) is the world's largest enterprise software company.
Oracle Magazine
Panties sample
ITARY, Monday, July 28, 2008Free tops and panties samples.
only delivered to: US, UK, Canada, China, and South America.
Brochure & Handkerchief
ITARY,This site from China gives you a free tour package brochure and Chinese Silk woven handkerchief with $10 value.
Wow, they're so generous!
free T-Shirt
ITARY, Saturday, July 19, 2008For a limited time Dailywaste is giving away free t-shirts to everyone who submits a funny picture, video, joke or other media item. If you do not wish to receive a free t-shirt do not provide your address.
click here
Lacoste Touch of Pink Sample
ITARY, Saturday, July 12, 2008 Touch of Pink sample
Note: only for France, Germany, Spain, and UK.
FREE digital subscription
ITARY, Thursday, July 10, 2008FREE digital subscription to Total Telecom Magazine. It provides expert commentary and authoritative analysis on the crucial issues affecting the global telecommunications and networking sectors; unique and comprehensive international analysis of both fixed and mobile communications services; exclusive insights and powerful understanding of today's business models in telecoms.
Free Aerospace Magazine
ITARY, Aerospace Manufacturing and Design delves into all aspects of the production of commercial, military and private aircraft and the new equipment that will ensure manufacturers are aware of the latest technology to produce products competitively and profitably.
Geographic Eligibility: USA, Canada, Mexico, International
Free sample
ITARY, Wednesday, July 9, 2008 Give them a comment and receive free sample as a return.
note: for industrial and marine coating.
Pain Info Card
ITARY,Chronic Pain Info Card - It carries your name, your doctor's info and any medication you may be on. This important because it speaks when you cannot. Letting people know your info may someday save your life. The cards are FREE so request one today.
free brochures by mail
ITARY, Sunday, July 6, 2008Features 8 recipes from Food to Live By: The Earthbound Farm Organic Cookbook.
To receive a free copy by mail, please complete the form and click the "Send" button. One brochure per person, while supplies last.
Click here.
FREE 10 pack of Moo cards
ITARY, Tuesday, July 1, 2008
FREE 10 pack to new Flickr Pro members. Limited offer!
Free Stickers for Kids
ITARY, Saturday, June 28, 2008Let others know that you are a kid on a mission!
Click here to request free stickers--be sure to include your mailing address!
Free Activity Booklets
ITARY, Thursday, June 26, 2008 Free Sample Activity Booklets.
Complete the form to receive your choice of the free EXPLORATIONS™ Sample Activity Booklets.
By registering for the sample activity book, you will be signed up to receive periodic emails about product upgrades, free activity materials, and other communications from Texas Instruments. Currently for educators in the US and Canada.
free Maui wedding guide DVD
ITARY, Tuesday, June 24, 2008Sign up to get your free DVD delivered to you free of charge. This action-packed disc contains all the info you need to know to jump start your wedding plans. From receptions to bouquets, photography to videography.
Coffe Sample
ITARY,Request samples of Papua New Guinea green bean coffee, fill out the form on the site.
Ontario Travel Guide
ITARY,The Ontario Tourism Marketing Partnership Corporation produces a number of helpful and informative free publications that showcase Ontario's unique and diverse range of travel experiences. Select the publication you would like to view/download or receive by surface mail.
Click here.
free magazine
ITARY, Sunday, June 22, 2008free World Oil Magazine..
Fill in the form and if you're eligible you can get this magazine sent to you or download free of charge.
Hair product for free
ITARY, Tuesday, June 17, 2008Free sample of Tigi B men pure texture molding paste. It's a new hair product for men and this one exclusive for salon owner. Click here.
Free Industry Resources
ITARY, Thursday, June 12, 2008Download Hundreds of Complimentary Industry Resources
Get hundreds of popular Industry magazines, white papers, webinars, podcasts, and more; all available at no cost to you. With more than 600 complimentary offers, you'll find plenty of titles to suit your professional interests and needs. Click Here and Sign up today!
Free hat or t-shirt
ITARY, Wednesday, June 11, hat or t-shirt from Banana Hockey. They're going to open an online store, join their mailing list and you get the gift free t-shirt or hat.
Free sample
ITARY, Tuesday, June 10, 2008
This is nice. Free samples of flixsticks, a stick to remove plaque from your mouth, freshen your breath, and it can be a floss too. It has country list on the form, so i guess it's international freebies.
I guess i'll just give it a try.
Safetytown CD
ITARY, Friday, June 6, 2008Safetytown cd by mail from NSF, National Sanitation Foundation, a Non Profit Organization dealing with sanitation.
Nutrition for Your Kids
ITARY, Thursday, June 5, 2008Nutrition for Your Kids: A Dietary Approach to Cancer Prevention. A free booklet from The Cancer Project.
Send Your Name to the MOON
ITARY, Wednesday, June 4, 2008 Send your name to the moon. Names will be collected and placed on board The Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter spacecraft for its historic mission bringing NASA back to the moon. You will receive a certificate showcasing your support of the mission.
LRO is the first mission in NASA's Vision for Space Exploration, a plan to return to the moon and then to travel to Mars and beyond. LRO will launch no earlier than November 24, 2008, with the objectives to finding safe landing sites, locate potential resources, characterize the radiation environment, and demonstrate new technology.
Join NASA's Return to the Moon!
ITARY, Friday, May 30, 2008"It's a jungle out there" mug. Only for US,Canada, and Mexico.
Free Open Solaris 2008.05 CD
ITARY, Thursday, May 29, 2008The OpenSolaris 2008.05 Live CD makes it simple to boot to a fully
functional desktop environment, including Firefox and Thunderbird,
without the need to install onto your system. After familiarizing
yourself with the OpenSolaris environment, you can then choose to
install it onto your disk. Once installed, you can connect to the
OpenSolaris Package Repository to install additional software at
The OpenSolaris 2008.05 Live CD from Sun Microsystem.
New 7 Wonder Screensaver
ITARY, Monday, May 26, 2008Free download New7Wonders Official Screensaver, which pinpoints exactly where on the planet each of the New 7 Wonders of the World and all the finalists candidates are located, as well as provides facts about the history of each site.
The screensaver was created and designed by New7Wonders Member Egor Chernyshev from Yekaterinburg, Russia.
You can also vote for the new 7 wonders by voting your favorites wonders of nature.
Here is the site.
Fragrance Sample
ITARY, Friday, May 23, 2008Boss Fragrances samples.
Note: For some countries only
ITARY, Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Try Real Arcade Free for 30 Days
Play Over 550 Games.
All Real Arcade games are thoroughly tested and 100% secure.
Real Arcade
Freebies on My Door
ITARY, Thursday, May 15, 2008
These are freebies that i got recently:
Stickers from SHELL. Still available.
Stickers, fridge magnet, booklet from ACT NOW ON CLIMATE CHANGE. It said for Australia only, but i got it and i'm not from Australia. So if you wanna try, it's still available.
Global Finance Magazine
ITARY, Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Get free subsription to Global Finance Magazine. Available International for qualified professional.
Global Finance has been providing monthly news and analysis since 1987 about companies and financial institutions that do business around the world.
Global Finance delivers the full story; corporate finance, joint ventures and M&A, country profiles, capital markets, investor relations, currencies, banking, risk management, custody, direct investment, money management and all the rest-specifically tailored for corporate readers around the world.
Publisher: Global Finance Media, Inc.
Click here
Free Hugo Fragrance Sample
ITARY, Tuesday, May 6, 2008 Free Hugo fragrances "Urban Rules" sample.
Note: Only for some countries.
Star Wars Episode
ITARY, Saturday, May 3, 2008Wondered what happened to Hans, Luke and Leia after the events of Return of the Jedi???
From Random House Audio and DEL REY Books, a free copy of
You can choose the format in PDF, or audio, or e-book (OR all of them!!), see the link in left menu.
hmm...I love freebies, especially this :)
Note: Will only available until midnight 13 May.
Tea Sample
ITARY, Friday, May 2, 2008FREE Pukkaherbs tea sample
Sorry friends...but this one only for UK residence.
Free Coldpay MP3 Download
ITARY, Wednesday, April 30, 2008Free Coldplay "Violet Hill" MP3 download. Hurry up guys, this one will expire really soon. After you got the download link from email, the link will expire in 6 hours.
Jamaican Music
ITARY, Friday, April 25, 2008Join the Jamaican Music Movement and get special gift and promotion from them
Haircare Product
ITARY, Friday, April 18, 2008Free haircare product sample offer from Alterna. Click here.
Western Hotel Guides
ITARY,Best Western’s hotel guides provide travelers with information include hotel listings, information on hotel accomodations, and a road atlas to help you on your way. It's all the information you'll need to make a hotel room reservation and best of all, they're free. You can choose Best Western Hotel Guide and Road Atlas for country like US, Canada, Mexico, Caribbean, Central American & South America, or Best Western Atlas & Hotel Guide for Europe, Mediterranean, Africa & Asia, or Best Western Directory Asia - Pacific for Australia, New Zealand, Thailand & New Caledonia.
For Cat Lovers
ITARY, Thursday, April 17, 2008
FREE Download pet ringtones, desktop walpapers, free cat screensavers from Or you can also create your own cat picture with unique theme.
free sample
ITARY, Wednesday, April 9, 2008Liceoff free sample to get rid of head lice...
For Child Care Professionals and School Administrators.
Click here.
Freebies In The Mail
ITARY, Tuesday, April 8, 2008These are freebies that i received recently:
* "no fear" sticker Note: still available.
* the World Heritage Map. Note: still available.
* Netbeans CD, i got two of them (by mistake i think, since i only request one)
Note: still available.
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