Explore the Sea Floor DVD
Explore the Sea Floor DVD
Based on real biological and geological data collected by the National Museum Wales and the British Geological Survey.
This is a fun CD with lots of resources. Allow the pupils to explore the sea floor in our virtual environment and then test their knowledge in the associated activities linked to the curriculum. Also included are relevant lesson plans, activities and other resources available to download.
* Visit the Seafood Cafe
* Investigate habitats and animals
* Teacher's notes
* Lesson plans and classroom activities
* Packed full of downloads, illustrations and photographs
* Virtual tours, animations and video clips
* And much, much more...
Free download
ITARY, Sunday, August 15, 2010Qur’anAmp is a FREE CD that features the COMPLETE recitation of the Holy Qur’an on one CD. The program is easy to use and no installation is required. Some call it an all-in-one Muslim “Survival Toolkit.”
FREE via download.
ITARY, Saturday, July 24, 2010Through the magic world of cinema, many classical pieces of music have become immortal to both film and music lovers, and this collection contains the most memorable classics from the great movies. What would Strauss' "Also Sprach Zarathustra" be without the sunrise scene in "2001: A Space Oddysey", or Barber's "Adagio for Strings" without the war drama "Platoon". click here.
FREE digital audio download of Alice's Adventures in Wonderland
ITARY, Saturday, March 13, 2010To receive your FREE digital audio download of Alice's Adventures in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll, read by Michael York, click here.
FREE Fridge Magnet
ITARY, Thursday, February 11, 2010
No Drug FREE Fridge Magnet
Limit: one per user, per email address and per address. No purchase required.
Please allow 3 - 4 weeks for processing. This offer is good only for US , UK, Canada and Australia .
Click here
ITARY, Sunday, February 7, 2010The truth about drugs, a booklets have been created by Drug-Free World. More than 50 million educational booklets have been distributed in over 60 countries in more than 20 languages. These booklets is a perfect hand out for anyone.
Get a copy of the booklets in the form of a full boxed set 13 for FREE!!
Fools for Rowan bumper sticker
ITARY,Sign up to the mailing list of rock band "Fools for Rowan" and they'll mail anywhere in the world for free a really cool bumper sticker.
Here's the link for the sticker.
James Cameron Avatar screenplay
ITARY, Thursday, January 14, 2010Download the digital version of James Cameron Avatar screenplay at foxscrrenings.com
Vancouver 2010 Journal
ITARY,Capture all your Vancouver 2010 memories in your FREE personalized Official Vancouver 2010 Journal. Store tickets and memorabilia, and record your Games-related thoughts and experiences in this 160-page personalized journal (valued at $17.99 CDN). This unique keepsake includes photography ideas, questions to prompt Games memories, blank journal pages and a special pocket for Games-related memorabilia. A must-have for all Games enthusiasts!
*Offer not available to residents of Australia and Palestine
Click here!!
ITARY, Friday, January 1, 2010Celebrating new year, here are free offers:"Online Brand Protection: A Step-by-Step Guide to Creating a Proactive Strategy"
Learn the four steps that comprise the ideal online brand protection strategy consisting of both technological and organizational programs."Three Steps to Making Email More Efficient and Less Costly to Manage"
Proactively collecting and monitoring messaging environment data means you save time and money while preventing downtime. See how - read this Quest Software technical brief."Beverage Industry"
Beverage Industry is edited for decision makers in the multiple beverage markets: soft drinks, beer, bottled water, juice, wine and spirits.Each month, it provides an analytical look at marketing distribution, technology, production and other current news issues facing the industry.
Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2010
ITARY,With Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2010, your people get a wide range of powerful new ways to do their best work from more places – whether they’re using a PC, smartphone or web browser. From insightful updates to Excel, PowerPoint, Word and Outlook, to new server integration capabilities that make it easier for everyone to track, report and share vital information, Office Professional Plus 2010 offers the complete package through familiar, intuitive tools.
FREE Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2010
FREE Dora The Explorer Game
ITARY,Get a FREE Dora The Explorer Game Today When You Register for Updates about Nickelodeon Video Downloads and Other Nick Jr. Offers!